Background & expertise
Yihe is a PhD student from China, currently working as a visiting scholar within the LSYS group. Her research is centered around the vital realm of agricultural environment and resource impact assessment, with a keen focus on unraveling the intricate effects of climate variations, cropping patterns, and resource inputs on agricultural water usage and carbon emissions. Yihe looks forward to using the biochemical modeling I have mastered to complete the research on the topic of "Assessing the potential of alternative agricultural land use to reduce reactive N emissions and water demand". This endeavor will be seamlessly integrated with the wealth of knowledge on livestock systems within the LSYS group.
Selected Publications
1. Tang, YH; Luan, XB; Sun, JX; Zhao, JF; Yin, YL; Wang, YB; Sun, SK (2021). Impact assessment of climate change and human activities on GHG emissions and agricultural water use. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 296(15), 108218.
2. Sun, J., Sun, S., Yin, Y., Wang, Y., Zhao, J., Tang, Y., Wu, P., 2023. “Water-Carbon” redistribution caused by China’s interprovincial grain transportation. Water Research 235, 119894.
3. Li, Q., Chen, Y., Sun, S., Zhu, M., Xue, J., Gao, Z., Zhao, J., Tang, Y. 2022. Research on Crop Irrigation Schedules Under Deficit Irrigation—A Meta-analysis. Water Resources Management, 36(12), 4799-4817.
4. Wang, J., Sun, S., Yin, Y., Wang, K., Sun, J., Tang, Y., Zhao, J., 2022. Water-Food-Carbon Nexus Related to the Producer–Consumer Link: A Review. Advances in Nutrition 13, 938–952.
5. Zhao, JF., Li, C., Yang, TY., Tang, YH., Yin, YL., Luan, XB., & Sun, SK. (2020). Estimation of high spatiotemporal resolution actual evapotranspiration by combining the SWH model with the METRIC model. Journal of Hydrology, 586.