
- Systematics of Flowering Plants
- Molecular ecology, molecular systematics and biogeography of plants
- Introduction to Genetics and Forest Genetics
- Speciation: from Population genetics to Phylogenetics - in English
- Genetic Resource Management - in English
- Molecular ecology, molecular systematics and biogeography of plants
- Evolution and Biogeography of Island floras (as preparation for the biannual Island excursions (see below)
- Anatomy and morphology of plants (Basic botany course, part I)
- Systematics of Spermatophytes (Basic botany course, part II)
- Introduction to Molecular Phylogenetics: from leaf to DNA sequences and phylogenies
- Plant identification in the field (excursions)
- Diversity and evolution of mooses
- Identification of plants in winter
- Pollination biology practical
- Bird identification in the field
- Botanical/Zoological excursion 'Evolution and Biogeography of Island Floras' (biannual, so far: Azores 2015, Cape Verde 2017, St. Helena 2019)
Lab practicals
- Molecular ecology and evolutionary biology of plants for advanced biology students (focal areas: Genetics or Ecology)