Yahya Ghalayini, M.Sc. (Biology)

PhD student
yahya.ghalayini [at] tum.de
Main research:
Late frost risk, Tree species suitability in climate change
Current research project:
Assess future suitability of current native as well as alternative tree species for their late frost risk and potential yield loss, and conclude on appropriate abiotic forest protection measures
since 9/2021 | PhD student at the Chair of Ecoclimatology, Technische Universität München
09/2019 - 07/2021 | Master's programme "Biology - Global Change Ecology" at Ghent University, Belgium. Master thesis: "Does microclimate and spring phenology influence ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) timing of breeding and breeding success"
09/20012 - 6/2016 | Bachelor's Programme "Biology" at Beirut Arab University, Lebanon. Bachelor Thesis: "Biodiversity in Lebanon" |