M. Sc. Eleanor Chapman

Eleanor Chapman (BArch, MSc Land Management and Land Tenure)
Research Associate
Technical University Munich
Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management
Office hours: by arrangement
Email: eleanor.chapman(at)tum.de
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/eleanor-j-chapman
Research interests
- Equitable adaptation to climate change
- Governance of urban green infrastructure
- Participatory urban planning
- Politics of urban development
- Socio-spatial and environmental justice in urban development
Research activities
- JUSTNature: Activation of nature-based solutions for a just low carbon transition (Funding: EU Horizon 2020, 2021-2026)
Past projects
- GREEN SURGE: Green Infrastructure and Urban Biodiversity for Sustainable Urban Development and the Green Economy (Funding: EU FP7, 2013-2017)
- Guest lecturer, Project Landscape Planning 2. B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning / M.Sc. Nature conservation and Landscape Planning (Semester 3).
Selected publications:
- Hansen, R., Rall, E., Chapman, E., Rolf, W. & Pauleit, S. (eds., 2017). Urban Green Infrastructure Planning: A Guide for Practitioners. GREENSURGE project (Deliverable 5.3).
- Since 2021: Research associate, Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Technical University of Munich
- 2020-2021: Senior officer, Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (European Secretariat)
- 2017-2019: Officer, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (European Secretariat)
- 2017: Research assistant, Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Technical University of Munich
- 2015-2017: MSc – Land Management and Land Tenure, Technical University of Munich
- 2007-2014: Professional practice: architecture and cultural heritage conservation, various offices
- 2001-2006: Bachelor of Architecture, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia