Rebecca Rogers

Chair for Terrestrial Ecology
Department of Ecology and Ecosystemmanagement
Technische Universität München
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
Phone: +49.8161.71.3587
Fax: +49.8161.71.4427
Curriculum vitae
Since | 2017 | Scientific staff member within the project: Animal-Aided Design |
2016 | PhD-student and scholarship holder of the Laura Bassi-Award, TUM | |
2013- | 2015 | PhD-student at the Chair of Terrestrial Ecology, TUM within the project: SPP1409 Science and the General Public |
2011- | 2013 | M.Sc. Sustainable Resource Management, TUM |
2008- | 2011 | B.Sc. Biology, LMU Munich |
Research interest
- Environmental communication
- Interdisciplinary research: Combining social and natural scientific research
Animal-Aided Design
DFG-Priority Program “Science and the General Public: Understanding Fragile and Conflicting Scientific Evidence” (SPP1409)
“The influence of media coverage and environmental conditions on the perception and evaluation of impersonal risks by the example of the chestnut leaf miner”
Husemann, M., R. Rogers, S. Meyer and J. C. Habel. 2017. “Publicationism” and scientists’ satisfaction depend on gender, career stage and the wider academic system. Palgrave Communications 3:17032. PDF |
Rogers, R., C. Wallner, B. Goodwin, W. Heitland, W. W. Weisser and H.-B. Brosius. 2017. When do people take action? The importance of people’s observation that nature is changing for pro-environmental behavior within the field of impersonal, environmental risk. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 14:1-18. PDF |
Rogers, R. M., C. Wallner, B. Goodwin, W. Heitland, W. W. Weisser and H.-B. Brosius. 2017. Analyzing the Existence and Relation of Optimistic Bias and First-Person Perception for an Impersonal Environmental Change. International Journal of Communication 11:1466–1485. PDF |
Goodwin, B., R. Rogers, W. Heitland, C. Wallner, A. Uretschläger, W. W. Weisser and H.-B. Brosius 2016. The influence of environmental perception and media coverage upon risk perception and pro-environmental engagement – a case study by the horse chestnut leafminer. 14th Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference: The Global Conference on Science Communication, Istanbul, Turkey.
Goodwin, B., R. Rogers, C. Wallner, H.-B. Brosius, W. Heitland, A. Uretschläger and W. W. Weisser 2016. Chancen und Herausforderungen der interdisziplinären Umweltkommunikationsforschung am Beispiel eines Projektes zu Wahrnehmung und Medienberichterstattung von Umweltveränderung. Wisskomm 2016: Die Rolle der Disziplinen, Dresden, Germany.
Rogers, R., M. Rieckmann, M. J. Nzau, O. Bonventure, H. Shauri and J. C. Habel 2016. Integrating human livelihood needs when developing nature conservation strategies – a case study of Kitui district. 46th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Marburg, Germany.
Goodwin, B., A. Uretschläger, R. Rogers, H.-B. Brosius, C. Wallner, W. W. Weisser and W. Heitland. 2015. Influence of media coverage and observable environmental change on risk perception and environmental awareness. IAMCR-Congress. Université du Québec Montreal, Canada.
Rogers, R., W. Heitland, C. Wallner, B. Goodwin, H.-B. Brosius, A. Uretschläger and W. W. Weisser. 2015. The influence of environmental perception and media coverage upon proenvironmental engagement - a case study by the horse chestnut leafminer. 45th Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Göttingen, Germany.
Wallner, C., R. Rogers, B. Goodwin, W. Heitland, W. W. Weisser, A. Uretschläger and H.-B. Brosius. 2015. Mass media effects on risk perception and intended pro-environmental behavior. International Conference on Communication/Culture and the Sustainable Development Goals. Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Rogers, R., W. Heitland, W. W. Weisser, A. Uretschläger, B. Goodwin, H.-B. Brosius and C. Wallner. 2014. Influence of media coverage and leaf damage by the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella, on perception and evaluation of impersonal risks. 44th Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Hildesheim, Germany.