
Ecosystem dynamics is the change in ecosystems in space and time. We quantify these changes, identify their causes and describe their impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services. To do this we use a combination of diverse methods, from empirical research to remote sensing and simulation modeling. A quantitative understanding of ecosystem dynamics provides the foundation for the development of robust management concepts for the sustainable provisioning of diverse ecosystem services and for maintaining the integrity and diversity of ecosystems in a changing world.
In addition to research, teaching is an important part of our work. With high-quality courses and supervision of theses at the interface between science and practice we help to prepare students for their professional careers. Our courses and theses cover a wide range of topics and study systems.
A special focus of our work is on mountain landscapes. Due to strong climatic gradients, high biological diversity and diverse human land uses, questions of dynamics and management are of particular relevance in mountain ecosystems. In close cooperation with Berchtesgaden National Park we investigate natural ecosystem dynamics in mountain landscapes and contrast it with other systems (such as actively managed ecosystems and ecosystems in low elevation areas) and contextualize them in biogeographical space.
We are a diverse and international team of scientists from different disciplines with the common goal of quantifying the ongoing changes in our environment. We work inter- and transdisciplinary and conduct both basic and applied research. We are actively involved in national and international networks and cooperate closely in a large number of projects with a variety of institutions and colleagues.

The Chair of Ecosystem Dynamics is one of eleven partners in the TUM.wood initiative, uniting labs working along the wood value chain from the forest to wood construction and architecture.

Center of Forestry Weihenstephan
We are an active member of the Center of Forestry Weihenstephan. The Center is a cooperation between TUM, the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf and the Bavarian State Institute of Forestry and facilitates research, teaching and decision support on all things forest.