We offer a broad portfolio of courses. We are addressing contemporary topics relevant to society, such as climate change and increasing disturbance regimes in forest ecosystems, by integrating the latest research in our lectures. We are adopting integrative teaching approaches to encourage interactions between students and teachers in the lecture hall as well as in the forest on one of our numerous excursions.
Currently, we are teaching the following subjects:
Biodiversity of dynamic forests and protected area management
In the block seminar "Biodiversity of dynamic forests and protected area management" central connections are conveyed, which factors determine the biodiversity in forests. In addition, practical aspects of protected area management are discussed during excursions to the Berchtesgaden National Park.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Sciences, MSc Engineering Ecology and MSc Biology
Data Science
The lecture and seminar "Data Science" teaches the basics of applied data analysis in R, with a special emphasis on applied programming and modeling using statistical and machine learning models.
BSc Forest Science elective
Forest Management
The course "Forest Management" integrates methods from management and science for the sustainable development of forests according to social requirements. The content is conveyed through lectures and excursions.
Elective MSc Sustainable Resource Management
Forestry internship
In the forestry internship, the annual plan of a forestry business is drafted. In close cooperation with the forestry management, we discuss operational goals and silvicultural concepts on site, mark forest stands on a trial basis and then carry out an integrative annual plan.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Science
Wahlfach MSc Forst- und Holzwissenschaft
Forest production and logistics
The module "Forest production and logistics" conveys the possibilities of forest production based on modern forest ecosystem management. The solution to logistical requirements for this is presented on the basis of concrete developments in research and practice.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Science
Forest planning
The module "Forest planning" teaches the basics of modern forest management planning based on individual silvicultural planning and discusses operational concepts for the use of machines in timber harvesting. The silvicultural content is taught as part of exercises in state forest operations.
Compulsory subject MSc Forest and Wood Science
Forest management in mountain regions
The module "Forest management in mountain regions" focuses on the growth, dynamics and management of mountain forests. It is largely taught in field-based courses in the Bavarian mountains.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Science
Conservation biology and basics
The module "Conservation biology and basics" develops fundamental aspects of conservation biology, in particular factors and processes that determine the diversity and composition of species communities. Building on this, nature conservation concepts and strategies are discussed.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Sciences
Elective MSc Engineering Ecology, MSc Biology
Ecosystem dynamics
The module "Ecosystem dynamics" spans an arc from empirical data collection to the application of ecosystem models and takes place in the Berchtesgaden National Park.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Science, MSc Engineering Ecology, MSc Biology
Production and harvesting of natural resources in (agro)forest systems in different regions of the world
The silvicultural and technological concepts for the conservation, sustainable use and restoration of forests in the tropics and subtropics as well as the necessary processes for obtaining seeds and the production of forest plants are taught.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Science
In this module, students learn the basics of sustainable forest management. It consists of lectures and exercises in the field.
Compulsory module BSc Forest Science and Resource Management;
Elective BSc Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
Silviculture and timber quality
Management options for timber utilization and the growth of high-quality timber are taught in this module. The most important domestic species for timber production and imported timber are discussed during an excursion to companies of the forestry and timber industry.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Science
Forest management and wood use worldwide
Silvicultural concepts from different ecosystems around the world and their importance for wood production and the provision of other ecosystem services are presented. The role of forests and wood for climate change mitigation is discussed in this module.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Science
Forest simulation
"Forest simulation" introduces the simulation of forests on the computer and enables the students to gain practical experience in working with simulation models.
Elective MSc Forest and Wood Science