We aim to prepare students for their professional careers through high-quality teaching and exciting thesis topics at the interface between science and practice. Courses and thesis topics encompass ecosystem dynamics, silviculture and ecosystem management, simulation modeling, remote sensing, biodiversity, and movement ecology of wild animals. Several courses and theses are carried out in close collaboration with Berchtesgaden National Park.
We aim to prepare students for their professional careers through high-quality teaching and exciting thesis topics at the interface between science and practice. Courses and thesis topics encompass ecosystem dynamics, silviculture and ecosystem management, simulation modeling, remote sensing, biodiversity, and movement ecology of wild animals. Several courses and theses are carried out in close collaboration with Berchtesgaden National Park.
We offer courses in German and English for the following national and international undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) and graduate (Master’s degree) programs:
- B. Sc. Forstwissenschaft und Ressourcenmanagement
- M. Sc. Forst- und Holzwissenschaft
- M. Sc. Sustainable Resource Management
- M. Sc. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung
- M. Sc. Ingenieurökologie
- M. Sc. Biologie

We offer a broad portfolio of courses.

Excursions play a particular role in our teaching portfolio.

We offer interesting and practice-oriented theses for undergraduate and graduate programs.