Sample preparation
We are able to provide a variety of different sample holders, which range from suiting filter pieces with a diameter of 5 mm to up to samples with a maximal diameter of 2.5 cm. On a daily basis we are currently working with sample holders suiting metal stubs or resin blocks with 10 mm diameter.

At the moment we use two main sample preparation techniques:
- Precipitation of single grain mixtures as liquid suspension on clean (cleaning with Acetone) Si-wafers, Ga-wafers, polished Al-stubs and Ti-stubs
- Embedding of larger samples in epoxy resin with subsequent sectioning and polishing
Additional preparation techniques, feasible for soil science related sample properties, are currently tested.
To ensure an accurate NanoSIMS analysis of your samples it is crucial to contact us prior to any sample preparation, due to the special requirements of the NanoSIMS measurement.
Please also feel free to contact us for further questions, protocols and possible different preparation methods.